W A R P S P A C E -------------------- User Registration Form Print, Fill Out , and mail to: WARPSPACE c/o Mike Erskine 4301 John Cunningham El Paso, TX 79934 Please include $30.00 (US) software registration fee. Registered users will be notified of any future changes, fixes, or upgrades to WarpSpace. Please tell us about the system you play Warpspace on. Check all that apply: COMPUTER: [ ] 286 [ ] 386 [ ] 486 DISPLAY: [ ] EGA [ ] VGA [ ] Super VGA MEMORY: [ ] 1 Meg [ ] 2 Megs [ ] More than 2 Megs INPUT DEVICE: [ ] Joystick [ ] Mouse MODEM: [ ] None [ ] 1200 Baud [ ] 2400 Baud [ ] 9600 Baud SOUND: [ ] None [ ] AdLib [ ] Sound Blaster [ ] Roland MT-32 LAN: [ ] No [ ] Yes OTHER COMPUTERS YOU OWN OR USE: [ ] MacIntosh [ ] Amiga NAME_________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________________ CITY,STATE,ZIP ______________________________________________________ COUNTRY ____________________________________________________________